Two years after the creation of the exhibition format For Rent/For Sale, “Arteealtro” enriches its program with a new initiative: “Spazio Itinerante” (Itinerant Space), a series of exhibitions organised as an alternative to the For Rent/For Sale ones, in spaces having an autonomous existence as “ pop-up” or temporary spaces, transforming themselves for the occasion in real art galleries.
In choosing to move around freely in a nomadic, itinerant way, transforming myself into a gallerist without fixed headquarters, and occupying spaces only for as long as the show lasts, I inevitably put myself into the hands of destiny without even realising it, and that is how I came to create a second format for the organisation of my shows.
I was looking for a space apt to show the works of Delphine Valli once again, two years after her previous “For Rent/For Sale” exhibit in Via Bruxelles, Rome. A lawyer friend of mine generously offered me his studio to display her creations. At that moment I realised I couldn’t present the exhibit in the “For Rent/For Sale” format anymore, the place being neither up for rent or for sale, and that is how the idea of a new format emerged: “Spazio Itinerante” (Itinerant Space) meant as a precise space with its own history, an already existing and functioning workplace, which transforms itself for the occasion in a real art gallery.
This is not a simple task for the artist, who intervenes in a space which has already a distinct separate identity, so that he cannot move about in total freedom, confronted as he is by unusual surroundings. This is also a challenge for the gallerist who is confronted by the daily routine of an already functioning working space.
“Spazio Itinerante” as well as “Affittasi/Vendesi”, are meant to establish my will and determination to go ahead with my project as a “nomadic vagant gallerist”, moving about with snail-like slowness, happy to take on new projects in different cities and countries freely.